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one day, it will trigger intense thinking about maritime rules," the newspaper said in an editorial. planes to paris China has been angered recently by U.S. naval patrols near islands that China claims in the South China Sea. This month, a Chinese navy ship seized a U.S. underwater drone in the South China Sea. China later returned it. Japan said late on Sunday it had spotted six Chinese naval vessels including the Liaoning traveling through the passage between Miyako and Okinawa and into the Pacific. Japan's top government spokesman said on Monday the voyage showed China's expanding military capability and Japan was closely monitoring it. China's air force conducted long-range drills this month above the East and South China Seas that rattled Japan and Taiwan.
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We got our first glimpse of the Switch in October, cheapest flights to San Francisco from kansas city but there are still plenty of unknowns gamers are patiently waiting to find out. We still don't know the exact launch date, what it costs, and which game titles will be available at the start, but Nintendo has promised to answer all of these questions sometime before March. (In the meantime, why not tide yourself over with Super Mario Run for the iPhone?) Related: Super Mario Run is a Hit With Gamers - and Scammers Cassini's Fatal Plunge Into Saturn Having spent nearly 20 years on the move in space, NASA's Cassini space probe will end its mission in September when it dives head-on into Saturn. Scientists are planning one heck of a going away party for the probe, sending it as close as 1,012 miles above Saturn's clouds before it makes a fatal plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on September 15. The space probe launched in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004. While we'll be sad to see Cassini go, it's worth remembering the good times. During its 12 years and counting at Saturn, Cassini has discovered an "Earth-like" world on Titan, with rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. It also discovered molecules on Titan that NASA called the most "chemically complex" in the solar system. Visitors experience Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge devices during the Korea Electronics Grand Fair at an exhibition hall in Seoul on October 27, 2016. JUNG YEON-JE / AFP - Getty Images Samsung Looks For Redemption After Note 7 Fiasco Samsung has a track record of releasing a few smartphones every year, but their last one, the Galaxy Note 7, turned out to be a fire hazard that was recalled twice and resulted in production of the phone being scrapped.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-year-in-review/cheers-tech-we-have-look-forward-2017-n700231?cid=public-rss_20161227

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